Multnomah County
If you hire me to assist you with a non-person misdemeanor or violations such as theft, trespassing, prostitution, minor in possession and drinking in public you will likely be eligible for Multnomah County Community Court.
It is important to consult an attorney before deciding whether or not to enter a Guilty Plea in a Community Court eligible case. If you enter a guilty plea, you will be expected to perform community service or engage in social services. If it is your first time in Community Court and you complete the required conditions of your plea, your charges will be dismissed. If you do not complete the court ordered conditions, you may receive a jail sentence. Call me for a consultation about whether or not you should enter Community Court.
Washington County
Non-person misdemeanors and some low-level felonies such as Theft and Drug Possession are eligible for Washington County’s Early Case Resolution (ECR) Court. Since these types of charges, especially the Felony charges, can affect an individual for a lifetime, one should consult an attorney before going to ECR Court if at all possible. Please don’t hesitate to call for a consultation by Gabriel Biello.